Normal One Kids Extraordinary Journey - Young Readers Edition

By Magdalena Newman & Nathaniel Newman

This moving memoir follows a teenage boy with TC syndrome and his exceptional family from diagnosis at birth to now.


Hardcover Retail: $16.99


Normal. Who is to say what this word means? For Magda Newman, it was a goal. She wanted her son Nathaniel to be able to play on the playground, swim at the beach, enjoy the moments his friends took for granted. But Nathaniel’s severe Treacher Collins syndrome—a craniofacial condition—meant that other concerns came first. Could he eat without the aid of a gastrointestinal tube? Could he hear? Would he ever be able to breathe effortlessly? But Nathaniel looks at “normal” from a completely different perspective.

In this uplifting and humorous memoir that includes black-and-white comic illustrations, mother and son tell the story of his growing up—from facing sixty-seven surgeries before the age of fifteen, to making friends, moving across the country, and persevering through hardships. How they tackle extraordinary circumstances with love and resilience is a true testament to Magda and Nathaniel’s family, and to families everywhere who quietly but courageously persist.

Category: Genre: Children's Books, Children's Chapter BooksTags: , sku: 9781328631831

Additional information

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 8.25 × 5.5 × 1.15 in