Everything Dinosaurs

By National Geographic Kids

In National Geographic Kids Everything Dinosaurs, kids will explore the fascinating world of dinosaurs, meeting prehistoric creatures as tall as houses, and others that were as tiny as chickens.


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Kids become dino experts as they browse the eye-popping illustrations and absorb the authoritative information, made extra fun through a lively and humor-infused presentation. National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources. Visit www.natgeoed.org/commoncore for more information.

About the Author

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS inspires young adventurers to explore the world through award-winning magazines, books, website, apps, games, toys, television series and events and is the only kids brand with a world-class scientific organization at its core.

Publication Date: 03/2014

Category: Genre: Children's Books, Children's National GeographicTags: , sku: 9781426314964

Additional information

Weight 10.2 oz
Dimensions 10.9 × 9.2 × .2 in