Participate in a Book Fair Event
We are looking to host more events at the Green Valley Book Fair and would love for you to be a part of them! If you fit any of the below, feel free to apply and we will be in touch for our next applicable event.
Open-Air Market
Vendors that sell homemade, home grown, or otherwise unique goods (no resale items). These can include artists, bakers, crafters, small businesses, etc.
Pet Fair
Rescues, shelters, and non-profit organizations that facilitate or otherwise support the adoption or improvement of welfare for pets in the community. We also accept businesses that sell goods or services for pet owners.
Food & Entertainment
Food trucks, musicians, petting zoos, or other businesses that would compliment various events. At this time, we are not including mulit-level marketing companies, such as Scentsy, LuLaRoe, or Paparazzi, or consultants for national brands such as Thirty-One Gifts.